About Camp

このカリキュラムにはTEAM JAPANのスタッフ研修も含まれています。 This curriculum includes TEAM JAPAN staff training.
Contents may change.

20th - 21st May 2024

Camp information

20日 20th 09.45-12.15 スタンダードのグループ・レッスンを3コマ 3 Standard group lessons
13.15-15.45 ラテンのグループ・レッスンを3コマ 3 Latin group lessons
18.30-20.30 踊り込み練習会 Practice night
21日 21st 19.30-21.30 踊り込み練習会 Practice night

Private Lessons informationHeld at 2 venues. The venue will be on a different floor on the 20th and 21st.

20日 20th 09.30-16.45 東京ポートシティ竹芝 5階 Floor 5·Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba
13.15-22.15 JDSF ダンススポーツ・トレーニングセンター JDSF DanceSport training center
21日 21st 09.15-16.45 東京ポートシティ竹芝 8階 Floor 8·Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba
09.15-16.45 JDSF ダンススポーツ・トレーニングセンター JDSF DanceSport training center

Entry fee

スタンダードとラテン Standard & Latin 6コマのグループ・レッスン
6 Group lessons
include practice night on the 20th and 21st
JDSF会員 15,000円 / 人
JDSF非会員 20,000円 / 人
JDSF member 15,000JPY / per person
JDSF non-member 20,000JPY / per person
*JDSF : Japan DanceSport Federation

コーチャーレッスン料 : 22,0000円 - 38,000円 / 45分
TeachersLesson fee : 22,000JPN - 38,000JPN / 45min

コーチャー Teachers グループ・レッスン Group lessons プライベートレッスン Private lessons
20日 20th 21日 21st 20日 20th 21日 21st
タチアナ・ラフヴィノビッチ・ガルチュン Tatsiana Lahvinovich Galchun Yes non SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
ファビオ・セルミ Fabio Selmi Yes non SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
ヴァレリ・イワノフ Valeri Ivanov Yes non Yes Yes
ヴィオレタ・ヤネバ Violeta Yaneva Yes non Yes Yes

タチアナ・ラフヴィノビッチ・ガルチュン Tatsiana Lahvinovich Galchun

I Start dancing at age of 6. During 28 years long competitive career become Belarus multiple Champion, as well as Champion of Slovenia and Croatia.
I am a Champion of all major competition:
-World and European Amateur Championships.
-World and European Professional Division Championships.
-World Cup, Grand Slam, German Open Championship.
-Winner of Blackpool, UK and International.
As adjudicator I take part in event, such as: Grand Slam, Grand Slam Final, GOC, multiple World Open, European Amateur Championship 10 dance, World Under 21 Championship 10 dance, World Amateur Latin Championship. World Professional Latin Championship, World and European Adult show dance championships. Also judge a lot of National Championships ( China, Finland, Belarus, Sweden, Holland, Poland, Estonia, Czechia)

ファビオ・セルミ Fabio Selmi

ミルコ・ゴッツォーリ&アレッシア・ベッティ、ミルコ・ゴッツォーリ&エディタ・ダニウテ、ドミトリー・ジャルコフ&オルガ・クリコワ、エバルダス・ソデイカ&イエヴァ・ズカウスカイテ のような世界チャンピオンを生み出し、約50の世界選手権を制覇した。
ダンサーとしては、ヨーロッパスタンダードダンス選手権 銀メダル、スタンダードダンス世界選手権 銅メダル、10ダンスヨーロッパ選手権ファイナルなど、国内外のプロレベルで素晴らしい成績を収めている。
Mr. Fabio Selmi. He creates the "World Champions"!
He created undefeated World Champions for years and years like Mirko Gozzoli & Alessia Betti, Mirko Gozzoli & Edita Daniute, Dmitry Zharkov & Olga Kulikova, Evaldas Sodeika & Ieva Zukauskaite.
His Couples won about 50 World Championship mainly in Adult Standard Amateur and Professional.
As dancer he had fantastic results at national and international professional level: from the Silver medal at the European Standard Dances Championship to the Bronze at the World Championship in the Standard dances and the Final at the 10 Dances European Championship.
He dances the Grand Final in all the major competitions in the world and was applauded everywhere for his incredible musicality and choreographic innovation.
He retires from competitions in 2002, leaving an unbridgeable gap in the hearts of the audience.

ヴァレリ・イワノフ Valeri Ivanov

About my Curriculum:
WDSF Chairperson, WDSF Examiner, and member of WDSF Academy Board, and WDSF Membership Commission.
President of Spanish Dancesport Education Commission.

ヴィオレタ・ヤネバ Violeta Yaneva

こんにちは、私は社交ダンスのブルガリア全国チャンピオンに 13 回輝いています。
Hello I’ve been 13 times Bulgarian national Champion in ballroom dancing.
Winner of the WDSF World Cup in Burgas, Bulgaria,
Finalist of World Championship in 2013, Kiev.
Finalist in 2 editions in a row of GIGA World Games in Taiwan and Colombia.
Coach of many international and national couples all over the world.
Orginiser of WDSF competition Bulgarian Championsip, WDSF adjudicator since 2016, nominated in many title events.
